Jan 11, 2009

I called the strong Gaza

on thursday i called gaza , i was watching "al tab3a al2ola"
when they showed phone numbers in gaza that we can call and
support gaza's strong people .
i never never imagined how strong are these people till
i heard tha voice of the palestinian lady that answered .
i'm watching news every day viewing alot of horrible pictures
every day since the war started ,and i always knew that people
in gaza are brave as they defend their land and stay in their
homes without being afraid from death but what i didn't expect
what the lady said , when i told her that i'm calling
to support her and asked her about how is she ,she only said
"al 7amdolellah"
with her strong and sad voice .
bas kda ! , i thought that a woman in that situation if i asked her about
how is she and her family ,she would shout, cry ,but she didn't ..
she only said "al 7amdollellah we are ok "
w kman da3tly :)
that is why israel will never kill gaza
it can kill children ,women in gaza but it will never kill
gaza's faith
that's why gaza's people are so strong because
they believe in Allah .
that woman may have children that she of course feel
afraid about them
she may have lost one of her family in that war
actually i'm not sure if that woman her self is still alive
till now ..
but she said " al 7amdollellah " .

btw u can call gaza on : 0097282820000
and replace the 0000 with any 4 numbers

Regards :)


هوندا said...

برافو عليكى ياريم بجد
دى اقل حاجة فعلا نقدر نساعدهم بيها

Anonymous said...

Nice Gedn
i will call ISA

rabenah me3ahm we yasbrhom

thanks reem